Friday, July 14, 2023

 Day 72, 7/10: Started the day with removing the rope. We had an uneventful trip to Petersburg. It was only 24 miles so we were there at 10:30. Some time before I found one of the battery chargers had died, so we went in search of a new charger and a wiper. One of the wipers broke so I got into the spares which said I had 6 spares. In fact, I have 6 brand new wipers without any of the plastic adapters that normally come with them to attach the permanent arm. I did find a charger but no 17” wiper or adapters.

Day 73, 7/11: Installed the charger, it doesn’t work like the old one so I probably have more work to do once home but it will help on the way. Cleaned the boat inside and out. A slow day overall.

Day 74, 7/12: I knew an oil change would be needed so we brought 6 gallons of oil and filters to do the change, today was the day since we are waiting for a package and we are at 280 hours on the main and 134 hours on the generator. Petersburg has a dump station for the oil and filters at the top of the ramp so disposal is convenient. Monday, I called to have the pharmacy send a prescription. The last time it took 4 days with UPS overnight. It took two days with USPS to Petersburg. While I was changing the oil Carolyn help a boat get into the slip next to us. A little later they brought over 1.5 Dungeness crab for us. Dinner was very good!

Day 75 7/13: We needed to get going on the chores since the package got here “early”. Laundry, shopping, garbage, and several smaller things needed to get done.

Day 76 7/14: Left Petersburg this morning, kind of late to hit the tides in Wrangell narrows. The water was calm the sun was out and it is in the seventies. Starting Sunday, the rain will be back but we have had a nice break.

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