Thursday, May 11, 2023


Day 13, 5/9: Echo Bay to Blunden Harbour, a 4 hour cruise to get ready for Cape Caution. The water was calm in Queen Charlotte Strait but the closer to Blunden the swells started feeling like ocean swells. We got in early so I decided to try the new water maker for the first time. It ran for about 3 hours and was producing 25 gallons/hr. well short of the 40 g/hr specified. Although, the water temperature can change the output significantly based on articles I have read. So not disappointed, it will just take a little longer run time to keep full. It is loud so the one other boat probably didn’t appreciate us but oh well.

Day 14, 5/10: Blunden Harbour to Fury Cove around Cape Caution. Up at 4:30 to check weather resources, buoy reports, and lighthouse reports. All indicators were good so off we went before 6 AM. We had ocean swell the whole time but couldn’t have asked for better water. For reference, West Otter Buoy reported 2.7’ at about 14 seconds. Today the buoy reported 6’ at 8 seconds, today would have been a tougher day on the ocean. The reason Cape Caution is the 2nd gate to Alaska is that it is all exposed to the ocean which scares many people from attempting. We anchored in Fury Cove where we took the dinghy to the beach the is all white. The beach is made up of crushed clam shells and is much spongier to walk on than sand.

Day 15, 5/11: Fury Cove to Pruth Bay: This was a short jaunt of 21kt miles. The water was good in Fitz Hugh Sound. A little ocean swell early but the water was really nice. Had sightings of Otters and porpoises but they weren’t playful today. Haven’t decided what were going to do this afternoon. On land there is a converted resort that is now an ecological research post.

Rainforest tour out of Echo Bay


Well used debris


Fury Cove Anchorage

Where's my dinghy?


  1. Nice pictures!!! Glad to hear all is going well for you guys! Be safe!

  2. So many eagles in Alaska.
    What a wonderful adventure. 🦅❤
