Thursday, May 4, 2023


Day 6: Spent the day checking out Roche Harbor and doing a few chores. We walked to the sculpture park and checked some of the sculptures but didn’t make it through the entire 20 acres. Checked out a few different shops but several things were not open because they don’t start summer hours until Thursday. Even the shuttle service on the island hasn’t started service for the year.

Day 7: Underway shortly before 8 AM to get to Bedwell Harbor shortly after 9 AM to clear customs. This facility is supposed to be manned May 1st but no one was there. So, we cleared via a phone call in about 10 minutes. We knew we had to wait until near 4PM to get through the Gabriola Passage. This is a narrow passage with changing current due to tide changes. Large tides can create currents that are dangerous in fact, many boats can’t go fast enough to over come the currents. It was damn near like waiting for the locks last year. We got into Silva Bay about 4PM.

Day 8: Passed gate 1 today by crossing the Strait of Georgia. The inside passage is known for 3 gates the first is the Strait of Georgia, the second is rounding Cape Caution, and third is Dixon entrance. The crossing was smooth with a gentle wake between 0-1.5 feet. Once arriving we anchored up with several other boats. Once we get more comfortable anchoring around others our indecision should get better. We lowered the dinghy and went to the public dock that is close to an IGA. We have fresh fruit and veggies now. Tomorrow off to Squirrel bay about 49nm reasonably well protected all the way.

Deer at the Chapel

House above Harbor

Roche Harbor Village

Lime Kiln to make lime for Cement

Empty Customs Office

Tug and log raft

Log raft 200 yards long

Anchor buddies

Grocery Run

Return Home with the booty

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